Making A Salve or Oil

Herbal oils are fun and easy to make. There are a few different ways to make them and we will discuss two:

1. When using green-fresh-leaf or flowers it is best to let the fresh material wilt for several hours before pouring the oil over it.

2. When using dry flowers be careful not to fill the jar too full, as the plant material will expand as it soaks up the oil.

3. I like to use organic virgin olive oil.

4. Wash and dry a glass jar. Put the jar in the oven  on a very low temperture for 10 minuets. Turn off the oven and let the jar cool. The lid you use needs to be very clean as well.

5. If you are making your oil with flowers it is time to put the flowers into the clean dry cool jar. Fill the jar with the wilted or dry flowers. Leave 2 or 3 inches of space using wilted flowers  and leave 3 or 4 inches of space with totally dry material.  Now pour the olive oil over the flowers. Cover your jar with the clean dry lid. If you are using a canning lid make sure you turn the lid upside down, as the oil will may ‘eat’ the rubber.

6. Put the covered jar in a warm dark place. I like to put the jar in a brown paper bag on my kitchen counter where I will notice it.

7. It is important to check this oil at least every other day to make sure the flowers are under the oil.

8. I like to use a wooden chopstick to stir and push the flowers into the oil and maybe a few more flowers can fit into the jar now.

9. It is very important to make sure the flowers stay under the oil so there will be no mold. One bit of mold will ruin the whole herbal oil. Keep the flowers in the oil for at least 2 weeks. Longer is better.

10. If you are making a leaf oil put your wilted or dry leaves into a crock pot. Cutting or crumpeling is a good idea. If you do not have a crock pot a stainless steel or glass pot works well.  Pour your olive oil over the leaves and set on high setting for about 1/2 hour.

11. Turn down to low and cover with a a lid left a bit open. Cook for 12 hours.

12. If using a regular pot you need to be very careful not to over heat the oil. I like to use a heat defuser. Heat this oil for several hours in an open pot.

13. Let the oil cool to a bit above body temperature. Now it is time to strain your oil.

14. Strain with a colander and strain again with a fine strainer.

15. Pour into clean sterilized jars. Cap when cool to the touch and store in a cool dark place.

16. Try to compost the left over plant material.

If you want to make a salve with the oil weigh the oil and to 4 parts oil add 1 part bees wax. Melt over low heat and pour into clean jars. Wait until the salve is cool to cover. If this salve is too thick add some more oil. If too thin add more wax. Once cool remember to label so you know what you have.



Making a tincture is much like making an herbal oil. We use apple cider vinegar, glycerin and clean water or alcohol. PLEASE DO NOT USE ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL TO MAKE ANY TINCTURE. Here are the steps to make a tincture.Put your plant material into a clean jar. The material can be fresh or dried.Pour your liquid of choice over the plant material. Make sure the plant material is covered.If using vinegar please use a glass or plastic lid as the vinegar may “eat” the metal lid.If using glycerin use 60% glycerin and 40% clean filtered water.If extracting roots with glycerine simmer roots for a couple of hours in water. Strain the liquid and use 40% plant water to 60% glycerin and add the roots.The first 2 days, check to make sure more plant material is not needed or more liquid added to keep every thing covered in liquid.Store in a dark warm place for at least 2 weeks shaking every day.Strain and bottle. Try to compost your left over plant material.Remember to label your creation so you know what it is.